
It’s that time again and by “that time,” I mean Lent. Every year of my life since early childhood, I have given up candy, moving on to give up all sweets/desserts in more recent years (because let’s face it, I can justify nearly anything out of the candy category, e.g. “pain au chocolat is technically a breakfast food, not a dessert, so it doesn’t count…”).

This year, on Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras, I was all set to eat pancakes for dinner and kiss delicious treats goodbye for the next 40 days, when I read on Facebook that a friend was logging off for Lent. “Whoa! That’s crazy talk!” I said. That would be hard! Which made me think, perhaps I should do something a little more sacrificial. After all, Jesus didn’t have access to his online community for 40 days in the desert. Or something like that.

Anyway, I updated my status on Tuesday night to bid adieu until Easter and went to bed, wondering how I’d hold up. I’m kind of excited, because I waste a lot of time on FB. Don’t get me wrong, I love FB and I will be back, but I need to use it as a communication tool and not a way to procrastinate on things I don’t want to do. Because I am The World Champion of Procrastinating when I need to do something that I deem to be an unappealing use of my time (this includes all chores, tasks, goals, sleeping, etc). There are entire hours lost when I am consciously thinking to myself: “I should really log off; this isn’t even interesting,”  and yet, I sit and surf other people’s online lives while my own goes whizzing by with naught a trace. Not good, really.

So I am hoping to regain a little focus, balance and face-to-face time with all my peeps. Or you know, get sleep, which has been known to suffer at the hands of me olde laptop. We’ll see how it goes. So far, I’ve had several moments where I thought of a KILLER status update, but couldn’t let the world know. I’m sorry about that. I know everyone is just dying to know what recent titillating outlook I have to share. And yet, the world continues to turn. Instead, I’ve made homemade soup, caught up on reading and sleep and generally felt much more free. I also didn’t get to broadcast my concern for Japan in the wake of their tragic and terrifying earthquake/tsunami for all my friends to read (which I’m doing here, instead: What a terrifying scenario. All the more so for those of us sitting on a ticking time bomb of a fault-line-riding island). Instead, I look for more active ways to learn more about the situation and see what I can do to help.

As I fast, I’ll keep you posted (another goal to dedicate some new-found freedom to: being a better blogger)… That being said, I’m off to eat some chocolate, because I can.


Me & my bestie, just bench-pressing each other. As you do.

I know, I know. I suck at consistency. I don’t even know what to blame, but I do know I don’t intend to accept it all myself. I’ve been super-busy, which I know is shocking to all who know me. I don’t even know how I do it, this keeping busy. Makes me think I’m hiding from something. But what…?

Anyway, I am now a yoga teacher. For really. I’m even certified by the Yoga Alliance. Certified, not certifiable. There is a small but distinct difference and it’s a pivotal one. In the former case, I can teach yoga to the world (or however many peeps show up at my classes). In the latter, however, I would find myself in a locked and padded room. Though I must say, that prospect is somewhat appealing, in that it would help me to overcome some personal issues; namely A) I couldn’t keep quite so busy, and B) in a padded room, I think I’d be much less cowardly in headstands.

Regarding headstands, a.k.a. my Everest, you’ll be pleased to know I’m all over ’em. As long as I’m all over ’em in my living room. At the studio, I’m still chicken. So weird. There’s more stuff for me to hit & break (myself included) in my living room, and yet, I can hang out on my crown ’til the cows come home. By cows, I mostly mean Hermes, who likes to hang out when I do yoga and walk underneath all my downward-facing dogs. I’m hoping this too shall pass. Jenni says her teacher in India would always say, “Do your practice: All is coming.” She also points out he never mentioned what exactly “all” referred to, but it’s good to test out the unknown.

Not sure how to get over that, but so far, I’ve taken to giving pep talks to my anatomy: “Come on abs–you can DO this!” So far, we get pretty good until I imagine the stunning dismount I would do if I went over backwards. Which I have done, just for the record. Safely roll/somersault out of it? Nooo, I do a half-back-handspring. And yet, I am still afraid. Weird.

1 down, 2 to go…

So, I’m one month in, and things are going pretty durned good. The constant soreness is largely gone, at least in intensity. I’m not pain-free, though. I’m trying to practice ahimsa, or the 5th, “non-harming” yama (restraint or behaviour), but that’s hard to do when your wrist has decided it hates you and will demonstrate that by producing a repetitive strain injury. Awesome.

I’m still finding the posture names tricky. Maybe we should change ’em up. I mean, they’ve been kicking around for aeons, but you know, no time like the present to be the change I want to see. Or something like that. I’m pretty sure that’s the intent of that maxim/aphorism combo. I think I might have a tough time selling the concept. I guess it’s back to the Sanskrit books…

In other news, I’m definitely becoming a master of the head stand. As long as I’m next to a wall, I am pretty much a professional head-stander. Unfortunately, I am not supposed to be next to the wall, because it’s kind of cheating. That and if I were to bail, I stand a pretty good chance of injuring or you know, breaking, my neck, because there’s nowhere to roll out…

Apparently, I’ll be teaching a class this next month. I am somewhat concerned about this prospect, as I: a) cannot remember the posture names, b) have some difficulty remembering the order of events (totally forgot the entire standing balance series in Thursday’s Mysore class), and c) don’t feel much like a yoga teacher yet. I feel like apologizing to the poor sods who wind up in my practicum classes.

Luckily, they don’t read this, so I doubt they’re worried about their impending yogic liability. I hope Jenni’s got good insurance. On that optimistic note, I’m off to bed, because Sunday class is bright and early. And extremely sweaty. It’s proven to be the sweatiest time in my life, these Sunday primary series classes. It IS damp in there.

Week 3…

Yeah, okay, so I have not kept up my end of the bargain. But, to be fair, your end is pretty light on the commitment side, as in, you needn’t do much at all. So, it’s kind of fair.

Plus, the reason I didn’t blog is because my arms were too darn sore to type. Seriously. Ashtanga yoga is traditionally a 6-day practice. Which means that Bay is a pretty sore little yogi.

I’ve been doing Mysore classes, which are basically self-led Primary Series, er-lie in the morning. They’re actually pretty awesome. Although, not gonna lie, it can be easy to perhaps cut yourself a little slack.

In all of my led classes, however, I am amazed by the amount of sweat one body can create. Multiply that by, oh, 18 people, and you have got yourself one very sweaty, humid and stinky room. It’s not pretty. I’m actually past being surprised at how much moisture I can produce in a class, from previously-thought-to-be-sweat-gland-free body parts, such as my shoulders.

In other news, my knees have decided they don’t like lotus position, which I used to avoid because of my bum ankle. Turns out, my ankle’s fine, but my knees react to the added pressure by preparing to launch my patella into the ether. Patella and Ether are words I have learned in YTT.

Speaking of words, I’m having a tough time learning the Sanskrit pose names. They are long, not intuitively obvious, as my stats prof would say, and they seem remarkably similar to one another. I have a plan, involving a lot of writing and rote memorization. Fun times ahead, ahoy hoy.

Off to bed. 5:45 am will be here before I know it and my hamstrings definitely need the beauty sleep…

Yoga yoga yoga

Okay, so I have been a somewhat absent blogger. I get it and I feel terrible. My bad. But, in my defense, you wouldn’t have wanted to read what I’d have been writing. I was wallowing in a hefty pit of self-pity and despair. It wasn’t pretty. So, that’s the excuse. You’re welcome.

As for now, well, I’m all started up in yoga teacher training. YTT. Until Christmas, I’mma be downward dogging, ohm-ing and breathing. Lucky for you, I’ll be filling you in as I go along. Based on the first week, I anticipate this will be amusing. So namasté and I’ll see you soon.

This is not the yogi I intend to become.

My Evangeline

Sitting atop the piano at my aunt and uncle’s house, the smooth, clean lines of the carving attract my eye every time I visit.  Worked all from one single piece of espresso-coloured wood, except for the staff she grasps tightly before her with both hands, the eight-inch sculpture is satin-finished and smooth.  I can hold her in my hand, tracing the lines of the wood with my finger, her long skirts and cape swaying in an absent maritime breeze.  Occasionally, the figurine will have moved since my last visit, decorating the mantle or the cabinet at the top of the stairs.  Once, as I came in for a Sunday visit, I found her facing the front door from a hallway table.  I would like to think she was waiting for me, welcoming me, but I suspect I was not the guest she hoped for.

Her name is Evangeline, and she has always been in the family, by way of carving, painting or bedtime story.  Always, she is searching for her lost love.  More than Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty, Evangeline’s was the story I remember most from my childhood, growing up in rural Nova Scotia.  Growing up French in rural Nova Scotia, I should add.  Like my childhood photos, accurate depictions paired with my hazy memories, blending real life into a child’s innocently inaccurate memory, I have made Evangeline my own.  She is a part of who and what I am.

See, I am Acadian.  Je suis Acadienne, just like Evangeline.  A what, you ask?  Good question.  If I sound a bit sensitive, I am.  Maybe it’s from a lifetime of correcting people who mispronounce my name.  Sometimes, I just don’t even bother anymore.  Perhaps I’m just overreacting.  But then again, maybe I’m not.  How can Canada officially have two languages if no one can even pronounce the most common French name in the world?  There are celebrities with my last name.  Here’s an example of a conversation I’ve had far too many times:

– “Luh-blonk (alternately pronounced ‘lee-blank’).  Huh.  You a frog, or somethin’?”

– “LeBlanc.  Like Matt LeBlanc, from Friends.  And, while I’m not an amphibian, yes, I’m French — Acadian.” (or Acadienne, if I’m feeling particularly bilingual that day)

They look at me as though I’m stupid:

– “Oh.  You mean Canadien, right?”

Yes, that’s right:  I’m twenty-nine, but unable to pronounce my own nationality.

– “No, Acadienne.  ‘Ah-kay-dee-inn’. ”

– “Are you from Quebec?”

– “No.  I’m from Nova Scotia.”

– “I didn’t know there were French people in Nova Scotia.  I thought they were all, I don’t know, Scottish or something.”


– “Nova Scotia was founded by the French.  It used to be called Acadia, before they got the boot, and were deported to various unwelcoming places, including Louisiana, where they became known as Cajuns.  You know: ‘Cajun.’  Like the food.”

And this is where I inevitably lose my audience.  They look away, shuffle their feet, and say they have to go and do something important they forgot about.  No one likes being told they don’t know about something they should, especially if they don’t even care.

And these are Canadians I’m talking to.  It seems that no one knows who or what Acadians are, or what they experienced almost 250 years ago.  It’s no surprise, seeing as how it was all but erased from high school history books, and no one wants to take responsibility for what became of Acadia.  But it’s a fascinating story, and a relevant one.  People should know the origins of their country, and Acadians helped build the foundations of Canada as we know it.

Acadians came from France in 1605:  the name Acadia, or L’Acadie, was given to the lands along the shores of the Bay of Fundy (today’s Nova Scotia and New Brunswick), as well as what we now call Prince Edward Island and parts of Newfoundland and Quebec.   The Acadians were mostly an agricultural people, trying to exist in an unfamiliar world, leaving Europe to get away from British and French warring, only to find the same thing an ocean away.

To make a long story short, the British ended up with ownership of Acadia, although Cape Breton remained French.  The British gave the Acadians an ultimatum:  swear loyalty to the British Crown, which would require renouncing their Catholic faith, or move to Cape Breton.  The Acadians declined, twice.

So you know what the Brits decided?  To hell with those darned non-partisan, pacifistic Acadians.  They can just get lost.  In fact, we’ll even help them with that, just to expedite matters.  And so the Deportation of 1755—known by my people as the Expulsion of the Acadians, or Le Grand Derangement—saw some 6,000 Acadians shipped off to various places like Louisiana, Maryland and New York.  Many didn’t survive, and those who did weren’t exactly welcomed with open arms and casseroles.  Penniless and lost in a land of strangers, Acadians could hold only onto each other, their faith and their stories.

Years ago, my mother’s cousin sent me a stained glass Acadian flag.  The attached card read, “Be proud of who you are:  Acadian.  Don’t ever forget where you are from.”  How could I forget?  My family is about as Acadian as they come.  Except for my grandfather’s side, who are Quebecois, my family tree is an Acadian one.  That makes me three-quarters Acadian, one-quarter Quebecois, although technically Quebec was also part of Acadia, at least initially, in which case I’m the real deal, 100 percent, right down to my olive skin and dark hair.

“You might have to fudge it a little,” my mom says to me, as she hands me the handwritten genealogy, a cursive family tree, of my grandmother’s side of the family.  My grandfather’s branches stretch back about 75 more years, give or take.  On that side, we know our ancestors came to North America on the French equivalent of the Mayflower.  That means I’m at least a seventh-generation Canadian, probably eighth or ninth.  Except, I suppose it wouldn’t be Canadian yet.  Acadian, then.  But because Canada exists now, I’m confused.  Does that make me an “Acanadian?”

While we have little information about our ancestors prior to The Deportation, we can trace our lines back to Jean Jacques Deveau, who, rather than be deported, hid in the woods for some five years, probably with the help of the Mi’ qmak Indians.  He ended up owning vast tracts of land from what is now Yarmouth to Meteghan.  Earlier records may exist, since Deveau had been established in Acadia prior to Le Grand Derangement, but many families lost their records when they lost their homes and belongings.  What wasn’t stolen was burned to the ground, including the churches, where records were best maintained.  It takes time, patience and money to trace a bloodline, and in our case, the information may be lost forever.

Eventually, tales began to emerge about the displaced Acadians with a lost past: mythic accounts of loss and hardship—common themes shared by many.  Evangeline is one of those stories.  She belongs to Acadia, a nation that had every material thing taken away from it, and was left with stories.  These stories wove themselves into family histories, blending historical fact with sentimental fiction, until the one could no longer be told separately from the other.  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow immortalized the Acadian history, as well as its heroine, in his 1947 poem, Evangeline.  The epic tragedy was a huge hit, especially since it portrayed the British in a poor light (the depravity of the British being a popular theme for Americans at the time Longfellow wrote the poem), which cemented its place in historical American literature, though not so well, it seems, in its northern cousin’s.

My Evangeline is not Longfellow’s.  In fact, I only just read his poem recently, and I have to say, it’s not nearly as romantic as the story I was told.  Nor is it anywhere near as short.  My Evangeline was given to me by my grandmother, or maybe my mother.  Both actually, but I don’t remember when I heard the story the first time.  The impression stuck, however; I can’t remember a time when I didn’t know the story, which goes like this:

Evangeline is a beautiful young woman living in Port Royal (now called Annapolis Royal—where I lived as a child) who falls in love with the handsome Gabriel, who adores her.

On the day they are to marry, the British show up with boats and ships.  They set the villagers’ homes, churches and barns on fire, stealing all their belongings.  Families are split up and sent away on different boats to different lands, never to see each other again.  In the confusion, Evangeline and her love, Gabriel, are separated.

Evangeline spends her whole life wandering, trying to get home from Louisiana, where she landed after The Expulsion.  She searches endlessly for her lost Gabriel, helping anyone who needs her along the way.

Finally, she arrives in Acadia (Nova Scotia by then), where she finds her beloved Gabriel on his deathbed.  She is too late to save him, and her true love dies.

It’s not a happy story, I will admit.  But it has haunted me more constantly than any other fairy tale I have ever known.  I can see Evangeline, standing like my aunt’s carving, always just like that carving, on the ragged wild cliffs of Nova Scotia.  The unforgiving Atlantic wind blows her long skirts behind her; she is a figure of beauty, grace and strength.  She stands straight, while her long hair whips in the chilled breeze, holding her long staff like Moses’, as a symbol of righteousness, persistence, faith and true love.

In Evangeline, I can see myself, as I’d like to be.  I identify in myself her longing for an earlier time that was happy and simple.  I feel as though I could find this again, back at my childhood home, in a rural Nova Scotia that is cast in a glowing rosy tint of a perfect childhood.  But then, my childhood wasn’t perfect.  Not really.  I realize now, from my adult perspective, that there was a tumultuous world of poverty and a heart- and family-shattering divorce beyond my naive childish eyes.  Yet, I still see my life in sepia tones: faded colour snapshots of autumn leaves swirling down dirt roads, snow falling from a black sky, enveloping everything in a peaceful white silence.  And it is perfect to me.  It always will be.  They say you don’t know what you have until you lose something dear.  I don’t remember when I misplaced it, but what I want is lost to the past.  Like Evangeline’s story, my history becomes fantasy.

Evangeline herself did exist, although not exactly as legend or Longfellow would have it.  Originally Emmeline Labiche, an orphan, she was renamed Evangeline by her new guardians.  Her love, not Gabriel, but Louis Arceneaux, was forced onto a different ship.  Evangeline’s family left Maryland, where they were set down, to join other exiled Acadians in Louisiana.  Here Evangeline found her Louis, but it is unclear whether she found him dying in a hospital or that he had agreed to marry another.  Whatever the reason, the loss of her true love drove Evangeline over the brink of madness into insanity, and she eventually died from the wounds of her broken heart and mind.

Okay, so all this is 250-year old spilled milk, and certainly not the worst tale our stellar human history has to offer.  But these stories need to be remembered.  They are important, to Acadians, and to me.

Last year, on December 11, 2003, Queen Elizabeth II issued a royal proclamation, an official apology of sorts, to Acadian descendents everywhere.  She decreed July 28 as a day of remembrance for The Deportation (July 28, 1754 was the day the deportation orders were signed).  This is one of the first times the British government and monarchy have ever referred to the event.  Thanks to an Acadian lawyer in Louisiana’s 10-year crusade, we finally got the apology we deserved—250 years later.

Better late than never, I suppose.

I have visited Nova Scotia, and fallen in love with it all over again, hearing the old stories, seeing the long-lost places and faces.  Six years ago, my family brought me to Meteghan to visit the graves of my grandparents, on a sparse hill overlooking the bay.  The waves on the beach of my childhood home in Annapolis Royal called to me.  The leaves on the trees whispered, “welcome home,” in a raspy, wind-filled chatter.  For a while, I could relive my childhood memories, immersing myself in my rose-tinted past.  Could I have stayed?  Of course.  Would my perfect world fade, pushed aside by my adult one?  I’m not sure.  Uncertainty offers me solace:  if I never test it, if I never know for sure, then I can hang on to my dream in the world of maybe and perhaps.

I have seen the Acadian flag all throughout the Maritimes—France’s flag, but for a small golden star at the top of the blue—and I see a people proud of their history.  To Acadians, the colours of France have new meaning:  blue for the sea, which took them away; white for peace and purity of heart; and red for courage and blood, the sufferings of our people.  And the golden star?  Like the star of Bethlehem, guiding Mary, the star is a guiding light to Acadians, bringing them home.  It’s the star Evangeline followed home to Acadia, searching for her Gabriel.

As I look at my stained-glass Acadian flag in the window, and out beyond it to the stars in the night sky, I wonder if they filled Evangeline with courage, hope and direction.  Will they do the same for me, if I follow them, too?  And will I find what I’m looking for?  Or, like Evangeline, will I discover I’m too late?  That my home no longer exists, and that the perfect happiness I remember will fade away, like Gabriel dying in Evangeline’s arms, after a lifetime of searching?

Summertime gone by?

As I sit and enjoy this glorious summer weather, with long hot nights and beautiful blue skies, I sometimes wonder if the happy-go-lucky, easy and relaxing days are gone, or just gone for me. Does summertime seem less idyllic because I’m a year older each time I greet its warm and welcoming days? Or has it always been this way, with people wondering what’s happened to the good old days?

I miss the days of heading out to the lake, and jumping in the refreshing water. Long nights spent sitting out on a patio with friends, sharing food, drinks, friendship and waning evening sunsets.

Where have they gone, I wonder… but then I remember all the activities, plans and chores I seem to have in endless abundance. Maybe I’ve made my own life too confusing. Is that also the natural way of things? Maybe we all just get so caught up, we can’t see the days whipping by, and we miss what we once so took for granted.

I’d like to go back there. I wonder where that dirt road is now…

watchin' the tide roll away, wastin' time...

Rachelle LeBlanc Quiney, MBA

The hat. Funny how a hat that implies smarts should look so silly...

It’s official! I’m a Master! Finally, it’s on paper, so everybody knows it! More to come as I ruminate on what the completion of this final stage of my master’s degree means for me, and what kind of beginning it entails!

Happiness is:

It's a shoe, that's ballet pink, like a ballet slipper, made by my favourite ballet maker. Oh my heart.

Many things really, but today, it’s shoes and sugarcookies. How I love them. This is just a brief introduction to my love of shoes. I’d call it a shoe fetish, but then it sounds dirty, like I do weird things with my shoes. Which I do NOT. I just wear ’em. Sometimes, though, I do take them out and look at them all lined up. But that’s not weird – I do that with my nail polish and eyeshadow (you do NOT want to know how many eyeshadows I own. I don’t want to know, either), arranging them by colour family.

My current fixation? Bloch Shoes. A dancewear company originally, I always wore Bloch’s ballet & pointe shoes, not to mention pretty much every other dance shoe, from tap to jazz, that I ever wore. So, yeah, I’m weirdly biased. But hey, I know they fit. I also know they’re made in France (sigh), have leather soles (mmm), and smell like my first pair of ballet shoes. Oh yeah, and they’re like $200 (different kind of sigh here). I don’t actually find that exorbitant, but I do find my bank account lacking in enthusiasm.

So for now, we just gaze on them. Daily. Maybe next post I’ll tell you where this shoe thing started. It’s a good story to me.  I’m off to line up my bronzers…

On broken records.

And I don’t mean Michael Phelps’ or LPs (if you’re not sure what that is, congratulations on being young.  It’s like a record – or if you’re truly still splashing about in your wellies in the fountain of youth – a CD, but way old-school).

Sometimes, I hear things that irk me.  Most of the time, I forget about them pretty much immediately, or as soon as I see something shiny or sparkly to divert my attention to the infinitely more important things in life, such as my cats, eyeshadows with wicked cool names, or solving issues like world peace and hunger, as I’m often wont to do, all at the same time.

Other things, however, just don’t seem to leave.  And when I am the recipient of such commentary, I look around me, just to see if I’ve somehow missed the fun house mirrors and fire-eaters.  And then I sigh, because I’m hearing the same things again.  Well, if I’m going to be 100% honest (or thereabouts), actually, I complain and whine and wallow for a day.  I may bring it up several times for a week.  And then spontaneously dredge it up 4 months later.  Possibly write a blog post.  You know – as you do.

My problem is the fact that hearing the same things over and over again makes me think the world has gone crazy.  A guy I think was kind of clever once said that the definition of insanity is: “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” That smartypants was Albert Einstein. Maybe you’ve heard of him? Well, it was either him or Benjamin Franklin. There is some debate on the matter, but regardless, some guy who was pretty smart said it, and it’s true.

Where am I going with this, you ask?  Good question.  I’m not sure. But, if I hear one more person tell me that I need more experience to do a job, my head may asplode.  And I’m not trying out for NASA. I’m talking about a job for which, might I add, I have oodles of experience, and I’m not just saying that because I’m biased, as I happen to know I’m frigging amazing – my mom says so herself, and you can argue with her if you want.  I wish you the best.

Two things come to mind:

  1. The “You-Need-Experience-But-We-Don’t-Want-You-To-Get-It-Here” Syndrome: How can I gain experience, if no one will let me get it?  Is there a magical land where I can click my heels, and find myself surrounded by the mythical Experience Flower, which I can collect in a basket and then give to potential employers?  If so, I’d love to know where it is. Seriously.  I bet I could fly in that land, which would mean I could scratch another long-term goal off my To-Do List.
  2. Also, I remember I used to complain to my mom that I couldn’t do new things, because I’d never done them before.  I was, like six years old.  Actually, I don’t remember this, but my mom surely does.  And she had a pretty simple response: “Of course you can’t yet.  You don’t know if you can or not, but that’s why you’re going to give it a try.”  Take that, Einstein.  My mama’s one smart cookie.  She’d hire me.

  3. “You have the education, but not the experience.” Funny.  I’ve heard that before.  I’ve also heard the opposite, a long time ago but not so long ago.  So what’d I do?  Not that same thing, that’s for durned sure!  Who am I to argue with Einstein, or possibly Ben Franklin?  I went and got an MBA.  You know, I had some spare time and an extra $60K just kicking about, so I thought, “What the H-E-double-hockey-sticks – I’ll do it!”  It was a blast.
  4. Well, actually, it was.  I can see that now.  Had you asked me during the degree, I might have just burst into tears.  Stress does funny things.What I’m getting at, slowly, is that I went and got the degree, and now people want the opposite.  That’s like telling Link that he rescued Princess Zelda, but you meant the other Princess Zelda.  He’s not going to be a happy camper, or whatever it is he was.

I am not saying I’m perfect (although I do feel I’m getting quite close), but I’m just saying that maybe people should try something out before they say they don’t like it.  Probably a lot of delicious foods and talented people would be missing from our colourful lives if everyone refused to try something new. Try it – you’ll like it.  Tiramisu, sushi, Lycra and Bay.  All good things.  Einstein and my mom said so, more or less.

Disclaimer:  I promise this blog won’t just be a soapbox for me to whine about the horrible injustice that has been done to me, but I can’t guarantee there won’t be whining from time to time.  It’s therapeutic.  Seriously.  You should give it a try.  But maybe wait until I’ve gone.  It’s so annoying to hear someone moan about the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.