Sochi 2014, here I come!

Okay, so I realize that I missed yesterday’s post. My bad. Thing is, we were driving up to Mount Washington and you know, stuff happened. Like, for example, we only reached the cabin after 10:30 pm and then we had to dig our way in. Well, actually, Ben dug, Adam helped, and Ashley and I offered helpful commentary on the process. I think the guys really appreciated our helpful tips and encouragement. Seriously, my friends, there was no entry to the cabin. Here’s what it looked like after at least 30 minutes (might’ve been longer: my toes were freezing in my Hunters, and yes, I realize that they are not snow boots):

The Ice Cave.

Anyway, I totally went snowboarding today. The last time I strapped something to my feet and slid down a mountain, I was about 12. You may recall that I was a little apprehensive about this new foray into winter sports. I’m not known for being particularly bold when it comes to activities that contain a smidgen of danger to my personal health and physical safety. Adam and I were both eagerly anticipating my certain meltdowns on the slopes, wherein I would lie on my back, crossing my arms, pouting while announcing that “this is TOO hard. It’s stupid and I hate it.”

You’ll be pleased to know this little scenario didn’t manifest itself. I know Adam was, at least. I was unimpressed initially, when we had one foot strapped to the board and then we had to “skate” sideways. My left knee (not my favourite knee) felt like it was being twisted to face the direction from whence I’d come and, you guys, it DID. NOT. FEEL. GOOD. I was concerned about my impending injury when I was finally attached with both feet to the board.

Turns out, it really is better when they’re together. My feet, that is. No problem getting up, and zoo0-0-00-(Oomph—that’s me falling on my rear)-00m! I was off! Actually, it was more of a slow slide, but you guys, still. I was snowboarding! I made some turns (which is apparently not the easiest thing for a newbie to do!) and merrily boarded down the runs at a pretty good clip. I’m not even making that up. Ashley said so! I think I may be Canada’s next best hope for the gold in Sochi. I’ll keep you apprised. One thing I am at this point pretty sure I am not is an ambi-turner.

So I feel pretty good about it and now I need all kinds of expensive and cute snowboarding gear. I still need a surfboard, too, come to think of it, but that’s another post.

I’m not sure if I’ll be hitting the slopes again tomorrow. Not because it wasn’t super fun, but more because I’m waiting to see how my quads/hamstrings feel in the morning (I’m not as young as I once was, you know). Snowboarding is hard work! Luckily, we took a break at Fat Teddy’s for a mid-ski and obligatory green beer. After all, it’s my first year not Irish dancing in the pubs (I miss it!)… And I’m about to get all up in the après ski, so I shall bid you adieu!

Drinking and wearing green for March 17th, mountain style.

Just call me Columbo.

Why, you ask, should you call me Columbo? Well, my reasons are twofold:

  1. First, Columbo is an amazing show and Peter Falk was an awesome detective.
  2. I’ve figured out why I can’t get up on time.

As for #2, get yourself ready for a real groundbreaker: The reason I’ve been lazy in my mornings as of late is because I’ve been staying up too late. I know. Shocking. So, it’s 12:18 am and I’m facing the same issue.

This evening’s excuse is that I had to fold Laundry Mountain (since I seem to not have servants). In order to do it, and stretch the chore as long as humanly possible, I watched Thor whilst folding away.

Here’s the thing about Thor (actually, they are multiple things): I actually rewatched half, because I didn’t understand what was going on the first time I saw it. It didn’t really help. I was still confused. I read the plot on Wikipedia and IMDB, which helped somewhat, but, my friends, honestly?  Still pretty confusing. Kenneth Branagh directed it and it had Natalie Portman and Anthony Hopkins, so I figured it had to be worth it.

I decided I liked it, despite my confusion. Because the world of make believe is always so much better than the real world. Also, I think I have a crush on Thor. Not the actor who played him, Chris Hemsworth (although he’s very handsome), but on Thor. You guys. He can fly and he wears a cape. Those of you who know me will recall that these are both things I aspire to achieve when I grow up (which I anticipate being any day now), with the addition of a tiara. I look very good in a tiara.

This is on my fridge, courtesy of Ben & Ashley.


I may watch it again. But I don’t think I’ll understand it much better.

Anyway, that’s the mystery solved at least. I need to go to bed earlier. So many of my problems could be solved with an earlier bedtime.

We are being so spontaneous, you don’t even know.

Mmm hmm (make sure you make your “hmm” sound go up at the end to sound mildly patronizing/condescending to capture our mood).

We are throwing caution to the wind all over the place (actually, we’re being pretty rational and responsible, but we are having fun, and it is awfully windy). This weekend, we’re hitting the mountain with Ben and Ashley. Second time this season, and this time—get ready for it, folks—we’re going to partake in snowy activities. I have not been strapped to any kind of fast-moving snow-thletic gear since I was about 12, so this will be an adventure. I am fairly sure I will throw at least 3 tantrums and there will be tears involved. Because I am a big chicken. Adam can’t wait (he said he’d take the beginner’s lesson with me).

I’m both excited and scared to be strapped into just one piece of equipment and no, I don’t believe you when you tell me that snowboarding is just like surfing. I’m not strapped to my surfboard (it’s a leash and there’s significant lee-way). Maybe I just need a shot of liquid courage to loosen me up first. Oh wait, that’s a terrible idea. Sigh.

This will be fun, regardless. SNOW! Ben said there’s so much fresh snow that we’ll need our snorkels. I don’t think he understands how to snowboard (NB: Ben is one of the best snowboarders we know, just on the off-chance he reads this and sues me for libel).

Also, in other exciting news, A.K.A. Paris in the Fall, Jen and I Skyped tonight. There was much conferring over calendars (ooh la la!), followed by each of us asking the other, “So, how’s your French?” I think we’ll get by. <<excitement mounts>>

Lastly, tonight, I didn’t need to teach/work/volunteer/be anywhere. So, post-Skype, Adam and I went for a jog (it’s so light out, Daylight Savings!) and then came home. My laundry pile (all clean, all three weeks of it) was going to be folded this evening, but it did not come to pass. Um, you guys? I’m going to bed now: Feel free to drop by and fold it for me. Maui sucks at it, on account of her not having thumbs, she says. So she just sleeps in it. Only the clean laundry, mind you; never the dirty… And as for Hermes folding it, well, you can forget it. That guy does NOT help out around the house.

Laundry Mountain

I do not <3 Hot.

Okay, so I don’t have a lot of time here. I got places to be (read: my bed). I was helping a friend out, though, so whatever.

I figure I may as well just tell you that my initial foray into hot yoga did not warm my heart nearly as much as it warmed my skin.

In addition to my profuse sweating, which I actually found quite amusing (honestly, a summertime Primary Series with a full class and I’m pretty much just as sweaty. Almost.). Those towels went IMMEDIATELY into the wash. Though they didn’t stink (Adam’s sports gear reeks to high heaven, but I have now proven that my sweat don’t stink).

I mean, I was DRENCHED. My attitude was not unlike the cat in that link, btw. Yeah, that’s right: I was angry. For no particular reason. I was just really angry on the inside (as opposed to going on a sweat-induced rampage, knocking over everyone nearby, which is about 60 quadrillion people). They’d be easy to take down with their LOCKED KNEES. That’ll teach ’em to LOCK THEIR KNEES!

The only times I wasn’t really angry was when I was mildly concerned that my heart rate was becoming unnaturally fast and heavy, as well as when I was counting the rows and being generally amazed that this many people take hot yoga. On a Sunday. At 3:45 pm. I think my classes are way more fun (and more demanding), plus they’re at a reasonable time. Oh, and it’s not like the bloody Sahara desert. Oh, and they’re way cheap, compared to the HOT CLASS of SWEAT.

Also, someone sweated on me. I nearly barfed/cried/punched them in the throat.

I may have anger management issues. We’ll see. 9 more classes to take on this card…

What’s so great about Paris?

Well, I don’t really know what’s so great about Paris, because I’ve never been. However, I’m fairly certain that what’s so great about Paris is ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. I’ve always, always wanted to visit and be all French and windblown and extremely stylish and chic (because that is what happens when one is in GAIE PAREE). Some of these things may occur. Some may not.

Adam and I are working on a Very Exciting Plan, which involves some Very Awesome People Who Are Favourite. Suffice it to say, I’m going to be scratching another biggie off my Life List. I see berets, baguettes, brie and cobblestones (and apparently lots of dog poop that no one picks up, the barbarians!) in my relatively nearish future.

This is how you look French. It helps if your last name is LeBlanc and you are, in fact, French.

On that note, I call it a Life List and not a bucket list, because thinking about why it’s called a “bucket” list makes me sad and morbid and melancholic.

I still haven’t written about my hot yoga experience yet. It’s still too soon (and I’m still too dehydrated). Tomorrow. I promise.

4-Day Weekends

I wish all weekends were 4 days. That would be awesome. If my weekends were all long ones, I’d look like this every day:

This is what happy looks like.

Unfortunately, this is not the case. Weekends, including the one we just had, are a mere two days, instead of the more awesome four. I talked to this weekend and it told me it wishes it were longer. Maybe the government should take a look at this.

I went to hot yoga today. It was very hot. I would write more about this, but I’m all shrivelled from sweating out 90% of my body weight and 110% of my electrolytes, so I’m going to write about it tomorrow, when I have more time and have returned to a normal internal body temperature. Because it’s 10:45 (not that you can tell, because of the no time stamp) and I’m going to bed.

Also, Maui is very whiny these days. More than usual. We’re not sure what’s going on, but we have some theories. I’ll fill you in on them later, after I’ve collected more empirical evidence. Probably she wants tuna juice. That cat loves a juicy can of tuna.

Catch you on the flip flop.



So much for blogging earlier…

Well, it started out so well. I was up and at ’em bright and early, so I could get out to Feel Good Yoga to sub for my friend Laura’s 8:15 am powerflow class. It was a great class, lots of fun and smiles, which is always gratifying. Then, it was back into James Bay for ballet at 10 am. This was the first class I’ve managed to catch since New Years (have I mentioned I’m too busy?). Super fun! I love ballet. It always feels like home (despite the fact that my arabesques suck and weirdly, my turnout and crappy feet haven’t magically gotten better as I’ve aged).

People are always talking about "putting on their dancing shoes," whereas I actually do it.

The plan to blog earlier didn’t pan out, as you’ve probably realized by the time stamp (I don’t even know if there is a time stamp on my posts, and I’m too lazy to save this draft and check, so I’m just going to go with it). It’s 12:03 am. Actually, it’s 1:03 am, because tomorrow we spring forward for daylight savings. If I didn’t already dislike spring as far as seasons go, losing an hour would push me over the edge. Fall, on the other hand, which is already favourite, has the good sense to bestow upon me an extra hour (in which I can, by some unknown magical force, accomplish about 93 extra hours of chores/work/sleep/stuff).

So yeah. That’s what we get. Thanks, Spring, for nothing. This is all your fault.

And here is where I share why I should blog earlier.

By this time in the evening, I am super excited that I get to go to bed. This was not always the case, because when I was young, I (clearly unlike every other normal child in the world) felt I was missing out when I was packed off to bed at approximately 4:30 pm. This may be a mild exaggeration, but I do remember still hearing my friends playing outside, while I scrunched my eyes shut in an effort to keep the still-shining daylight from streaming into my wide-awake eyes.

What a good cat (Minnette the 2nd).

Now, it’s a different story. I LOVE going to bed. Sleep is awesome. I function best on somewhere between 7–8 hours per night. I made it through my entire MBA convinced that I was one of that rare breed that needs only 5–6 hours to get by at peak performance. It’s amazing what your mind can convince your body of, when it needs to get tricky. Shortly after defending my thesis, I began to wonder why I was so upset and angry/sad all the time.

I began The Great Sleep Experiment, in which I got no less than 7 hours sleep and discovered many things about myself. One of the key learnings was that I cry way less, about far fewer things, when I’m getting adequate sleep. Life, it turns out, was secretly being awesome, but I’d been too sleep-deprived to realize.

Now, I put sleep first. Sometimes, it means I miss my morning exercise, which sucks and makes me resentful, but at least I have a good reminder to hit the sack earlier the next night. I’ve said this before, but if Bridesmaids taught me anything (and I was just as shocked to learn it had as you are, reading this), it was that I am indeed my own problem, and my own solution.

Which leads me to my next point: I should really not save my blogging until I am about to go to bed. I’m gonna try something different tomorrow. We’ll see how it goes…

A hazy shade of brain. Or a brainy shade of haze. Whatever.

Today is Thursday. As you may recall, Thursdays = Everest. I work, then I teach, then I go to class for 3 hours, getting home at about 10 pm. It’s long, but I can generally hack it.

Not today. My brain was fuzzy from the get-go, for some unknown reason that has yet to make itself known. I drank some coffee, which didn’t work. It was decaf, so at least we know they mean it when they say they took the fun out of the beans. Eventually, I wandered down the hall to an unoccupied office, shut and locked the door, turned off the lights and closed the blinds, and had a cat nap. Actually, I kept half my brain awake, so it was more like a dolphin nap than a cat nap (although, I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen Maui sleep, and I’m wondering if this might explain her general tweakiness. I’m no good on less than 7 hours…).

To be honest, I didn’t really sleep, because I was kind of paranoid someone would burst in (though how I thought they would accomplish this with the door locked had clearly escaped me) and then there would be mayhem. I guess this is what I thought might unfold:

Person: “Uh, Rachelle? Are you okay? Whatcha doin’ down there? Sleeping?”

Me: “Um, hi. Yeah, I was just resting. I’m really tired today and thought I’d relax on my lunch break.”

Person: “Huh. Okay.” <<backs away slowly, thinking to him/herself that Rachelle is an odd girl>>

Hermes does not share my concerns about sleeping on office floors.

Clearly, it’s a good thing this great atrocity didn’t occur. After all, I work on the Health Promotion team: No one would ever understand something like taking a rest break at work… Oh, wait. Yes, yes they would.

I’m about to go to bed, but I felt like I needed to tell you about this thing that happened last Friday, in the name of current news. I’m all about being relevant and timely. So, I’m walking home from yoga, up Johnson Street, the street on which I reside, when I hear a dude singing. He is a Japanese guy, not that it makes any difference, apart from a mixed-up “r” and “l” now and then, but he is NOT a good singer. He is singing, nay—belting, I Just Haven’t Met You Yet, by Michael Bublé. This is a really good song. Not so much, however, when it’s being sung by someone who is tone deaf. And I mean he is REALLY giving it. For 4 very long blocks.

Don’t get me wrong—I’m not complaining or making fun (okay, I’m making fun a little): this guy had me giggling the entire walk home, and I gotta say I admire his, um, tenacity.

I have to go to bed now because I can hear Adam snoring in the bedroom, which makes it hard for me to fall asleep. As long as I’m out first, it doesn’t bother me. But, since I’m still typing, I’m obviously not in bed.

Nighty night!

Moving day.

Okay, so we didn’t really move, but we did shift our office around so that it’s a two-person-friendly workspace. Here are some of the highlights:

  • We were able to vacuum kitty litter that has probably been hiding for nearly five years.
  • We moved the desk (it’s really a glass table from Ikea, but it’s super cool, so there) from against the wall, to the middle of the room, so we will work across from each other. This will enable us to gaze lovingly into each other’s eyes while we tap out work-related frustration on our matching MacBook Pros. We’re so cute.
  • The dresser has moved into the corner, instead of against the wall. Yes, we have a dresser in the office. Why? Because our bedroom doesn’t fit one anywhere. Looong story.
  • Hermes came and checked it all out by weaving through all the new nooks and crannies. We’ve moved the litterbox ever so slightly over. I’ll keep you apprised as to the outcome of that daring ploy.

Hermes is in his office.

I’m quite excited to see how this works. We both think it looks better. And it means that Adam isn’t stuck working at the dining room table. We’ll see what happens when he’s coaching and needs to take a client call at the same exact time that I’m working to deadline. It’s the perfect storm and it’s inevitable.

Here are some fun facts about this evening’s moving efforts:

  • Number of meltdowns had by Bay: 2
  • Number of meltdowns had by Adam: 0
  • Number of yoga spaces lost: 1 (I’m back in the dining room, which works better, floor-wise, but less well if Adam’s banging around in the kitchen. We shall see…)
  • Number of antihistamines taken by Bay to combat all the itchy-throat-causing dust: 1

And with that, fine friends, I’m off to bed. Oh, actually, one more thing: I needed to draft up some questions and answers for Pacific Tattoo (we’re doing this cool thing called ChatterHigh, where students can earn points for answering questions on various educational topics). I got the questions all done, and I must say, it’s extremely fun making up the wrong answers for multiple choice. I always thought it might be and now I know.

Okay, now I’m going to bed. Zzz…